Il Gran Balon, and the Concertino dal Balconcino

Sunday, 12 November (Day Fifty-six)

Today was il Gran Balon!

I thought I might buy a few things but this didn’t happen. I considered some lovely baskets and then, because they weren’t from Italy but Senegal, I decided against it. I had also thought about buying an old Barbie doll but I  have more stuff than I need so that didn’t go into my bag either. At this part of the trip I was being mindful of what might fit in the suitcase.

Gran Balon
Gran Balon

Then we went to the Concertino dal Baloncino. It takes place on the Via Mercanti, a lovely little lane in the centre of Turin.  There are some beautiful old shops along here and I was amused by one that sold only Tiramisu.

Tiramisu Shop
Tiramisu Shop
Shop along Via Mercanti
Shop along Via Mercanti

They let us into the concert at 5pm. I could say a lot about the concertino.  but here’s what is said about them (with the bad translation and all): She, 32, is a lyric singer graduated from the Turin Conservatory and graduated in Communication Sciences. He, 46, plays the guitar, as well as being a writer and theatrical author. For two years the “balconcino concertino”, as they call it, is a fixed appointment for many (and not) residents of the neighborhood that every Sunday fills the courtyard of Via Mercanti. For one hour, the condominiums of their palace face balconies and windows, while the public in the courtyard remains face up to watch the show where Daria and Maksim never perform alone. Of course, people keep trying to shut them down but I’m assuming the fellow tenants are on board.

We paid our donation of two euros each and filed in. There were a few stools but mostly standing. People kept arriving. At some time after 5, the first act appeared and it was a (I’m guessing) political rap performance – I heard the words ‘polizia,’ ‘balconcino’ so think maybe they were talking about their fight to keep performing.

It’s a great idea – it should be imitated. I’ll regret a little not going more than once but we did stand in the cold air (I also sat for some time on an icy cold step) and enjoyed the performance – soaring (often comical) voice of Daria, and the competent playing from other musicians.

Their Facebook page
