Pumpkins Pumpkins Pumpkins

Thursday, 24 October, 2019

This year was the tenth annual Dalston Pumpkin Lantern Festival at the Dalston Eastern Curve Garden.

I’m pretty sure I went to the first one ever . Somewhere I have the photos to prove it. I do remember, whenever that first one was, that there was a bunch of lovely pumpkins that were lit up at night and they had been carved during a two-day period by children. Fast forward ten years to this festival.

The garden had a stockpile of over a thousand pumpkins and invited people to come to carve them during one crazy weekend. I asked my mentee if she’d like to come carve one with me last Saturday. At the bus stop to go up to the Curve Garden the buses were going to be uncharacteristicaly late. There was an 8-minute wait for buses that usually come a few minutes apart. So I was going to be late. I sent a Whatsapp Message to say so and back came the response.

I didn’t know what that meant but I did know there were over a thousand pumpkins to carve so I formed a mental picture of that. By the time I finally arrived at the entrance to the garden I already knew my mental picture fell a bit short.

Fall is falling! Dalston Square
Fall is falling! Dalston Square
Peaceful so far!
Peaceful so far!
Still peaceful at the entrance but look beyond
Still peaceful at the entrance but look beyond

When I got inside I could see that the carving tables were already full of busy carvers. The place to get the pumpkins was at the far end of the garden and there may have been 50 people in the queue. I cant believe I found HG somewhere in there but we quickly decided that one pumpkin, at £3 a pop, was the way to go.

Queuing for a pumpkin
Queuing for a pumpkin
Carved on the left, new ones on the right! Piled high
Carved on the left, new ones on the right! Piled high
Let the carving commence!
Let the carving commence! There were several carving tables, all with a monitor

We found a table and took turns holding the baby, who was decked out in a pumpkin theme, drawing lots of attention. I had the job of hollowing out the pumpkin while HG would carve. Baby duty prevailed. We talked about the rise of Halloween events in the UK and how much we missed candy corn, and the pumpkin was done. We added it to the growing stash on the stage and went to get a table and a hot drink.

Pumpkin baby inspects the carved pumpkin
Pumpkin baby inspects the carved pumpkin

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