Wednesday, 22 November 7:14am

This time last week we were waking up in Torino and getting our lives back into two big and one little suitcase. We looked out and across to the Alps and to Superga.
Yes, today marks one week.
That first night I climbed into a bed made with icy sheets and woke the next morning earlier than I wanted. Mini jetlag! I remember our first weeks in Italy, napping on the couches after lunch and how luxurious and necessary it felt. No naps in London despite the fatigue.
What does it mean to ‘get back to normal’? I don’t think I’m there yet and, at any rate, being away means a strange compulsion to do something different now – only I’m not sure what. Normal is not what I strive for but…

Blogging will be sporadic from now on…maybe.
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