Sharon and Mohan’s wedding – The wedding day

Friday, 21st June 2019

Finally the wedding day arrived.  It felt a bit unreal. Krish and Rana were supposed to arrive early at the temple to help Moh so we all got dressed and set off. Only we went to the wrong temple – Krish had directed us to the Vishnu Mandir, where his family attended, but the wedding was taking place closer to home in Markham. We had to backtrack and, when we arrived in the parking lot of the Vedic Cultural Centre, Moh called us over to the car he was sitting in. We were late! It was fine, though – plenty of time before everything started.

Rana and Krish - all decked out!
Rana and Krish in the parking lot – best buddies all decked out!

My wedding outfit choice gave me a ton of headaches before it actually happened. It was the only day of the week that Indian attire was requested and, although I considered ignoring this, I also felt it was a good idea to do my best and at least find clothes that would ‘work.’ I searched and searched and it wasn’t as easy as I thought…always something that stopped me from buying. Finally I decided that I’d have to have something made and the best choice was a top and a skirt and shawl. Choli, lehenga, and dupatta! I wanted bright colours – lime green and fuschia came to mind. What I finally settled on was a long readymade skirt that was on sale in one fabric store – a dusty pink with gold brocade, a top that I had made – fuschia with gold and pink trim since I wouldn’t be wearing a necklace, and a pretty light pink and gold net shawl to pull the two together. I’d also bought some pale pink with rhinestone sandals in London. Ruth lent me a gold clutch bag and earrings and then Naomi offered me some with more bling so I went to it. I felt ridiculous when I saw it on the hangers ready to go but on the day it pulled together amazingly well.

My wedding outfit
My wedding outfit

There was the usual astounding amount of bling among the wedding guests. Meet and greet in the foyer! Downstairs there were snacks- the wedding would be long – samosas and something I forget now, or maybe the ‘something’ wasn’t there any more.

Quite honestly, I’m not sure of the order of events – the order for me, anyway. The wedding program spells it out but somehow it’s blurred for me – a good lesson in blogging promptly! Krish had disappeared and I was on my own. We’d seen from the program he had a big part to play in the ceremony, backstage and on. I’d not really counted on losing sight of him completely. Strange feeling to be in an unknown environment with so many people and not have a clue what to do next. When in doubt, just copy everyone else! So I parked my shoes in a locker and waited.

Everyone rushed outside and the sound of the tassa drums started up. I couldn’t see too well from where I was but there was a procession with Moh, Krish, Gopaul, Rana, and Tulsi in the centre of it and then after that they were gone again. Now it all gets blurry but at some point we went into the temple. Someone grabbed me and sent me to a seat but I couldn’t see much from there. What I could see was a very brightly decorated stage.

Down the aisle came Sharon dressed in a beautiful bright yellow gown. Her close and extended family came with her, dancing as they went. I need to get a better photo of the gown from someone – it was stunning. Up on the stage she went, with Krish and Gopaul at the side. There was a long puja with music and chanting. I had a terrible view, blocked by a large column and I slowly made my way to the side, around the back of the seats and down to a seat on the other side about three rows back. Much better. Then Sharon was gone.

As far as I remember, at this point I saw Moh’s family start to file out of the temple so I edged my way over to join them – my big chance! We waited out in the foyer until Moh appeared, with more drumming and then it was Moh’s turn to come down the aisle. I’m not that much of an extrovert to be in the spotlight and dancing but I had a feeling that this procession was one I was meant to part of. I was right! Back in the front of the temple I got my seat with the closer family, who were saying ‘Where were you? We wondered where you were.’ That was a  nice feeling but curious at the same time. I’m yet to feel completely included and I suppose that’s normal when this family is so huge, and so culturally different

Now Moh went up on stage with Krish, Gopaul, Rana, Tulsi and Karna attending him. The puja began. The pundit was especially pleased to tell the congregation that the brothers were special and auspicious, having three names of Vishnu.

Moh, contemplative
Moh, contemplative

Sharon came down the aisle again with her family. Now she came under a canopy carried by her brothers and cousins. (I need a photo of that!) She was now dressed in red and silver. Gorgeous! And then the wedding ceremony began and the photos tell most of the story.

Bride and parents
Bride and parents
There's a lot going on on the stage. Lots of people with their own part to play in the ceremony
There’s a lot going on on the stage. Lots of people with their own part to play in the ceremony
Karna to the left, Rana, Gop and Moh behind the columns on the left, Sharon's parents and brothers to the right
(Tidied up a bit!) Karna, and Tulsi (hidden) to the left, Rana, Krish, Gop and Moh behind the columns on the left, Sharon’s parents and brothers to the right

The way I understand it the ceremony is to accept the bride into her new family. Her parents and brothers give her their blessing and hand her over. The groom’s brothers welcome the bride into their family, offering her their protection. The bride enters the temple as her parents’ daughter and leaves it as her new family’s daughter. At different points the groom’s brothers tie a knot of protection on her wrist, then the bride and groom’s garments are also tied together. Knots are symbols in the Hindu ceremonies – of protection and belonging.

Then the lighter side
Then the lighter side

Onstage hugs
The wedding party comes solemnly to hug the couple. Then Krish goes in with fervour!
Hugs onstage
First the hug, then the tears – Sharon let me know they all broke down
Everyone wants to go onstage for photos with the couple
Everyone wants to go onstage for photos with the couple. Krish’s Aunty Raj on the left, Krish still on the stage
Wedding dinner
Wedding Dinner- pretty hungry at this point. It’s a (blurry) large vegetarian feast! 

During the wedding there was music and singing from a side stage. But during dinner, there was entertainment put on mostly by friends and family.

If you think this sounds like a full day….well, it wasn’t over yet. Already exhausted, I joined the gang for the trek back to Krish’s parents’ home. All that crew gathered to chat and even dance. Oh and more eating!

At the house. I loved the decorations
At the house. I loved the decorations

Some time before 2am we trundled home. Sharon had taken ages to change out of her wedding gear into ordinary clothes and I felt like I had a mini challenge to get out of mine and fall into bed.

Wedding events:

Sharon and Mohan’s wedding – all the blogs

Mendhi night

Maticoor night 

The wedding

The Reception

Kangan night