Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 and 5 September, 2018
A good night’s sleep and the next day a slow morning. There’s something nice about going somewhere for longer than the usual week or two. There’s no need to rush to do anything. There’s plenty of time if you don’t get too lazy and this time I actually plan to be quite lazy and have some days of rest. Today seemed like a good day to do this. However, I do have to eat and eating is something that’s central to my life and travel. So…off to the market – briefly.
I now like the farmers’ market far more than the bigger market in the square. We mostly looked around to see what was being sold. Italians like to sell only what they produce themselves and this means everything is seasonal. At the beginning of September, the food looks a bit different than last year’s mid-September arrival. I bought a lettuce and some tomatoes.

In the Mercato Orologio, we bought a pizzetta. Then we wandered a bit.

Definitely time for a nap! It was just like the hot summer in London. Afternoon sleeps were normal and pleasant. We talked about going out for dinner but in the end we ran to the Carrefour, went to fill some bottles at the fountain and dined on package ravioli! A television night.

Another good night’s sleep. Wednesday was about getting more organised and doing some shopping for essentials.

During the morning the mundane tasks and then off again to the markets.
Choose what you want! A market seller motions in the farmers’ market

A meal from home, teamed with the market bread

Lidl is just across the pedestrian bridge. The neighbourhood is typical of Torino. We walked slowly over in the heat, glad that we had brought the cart. The Lidl shopping experience was better than anticipated. We filled a shopping cart for 27 Euros. Job well done!

Our friend, The Torino Eye, on our way home

And when we got home, we added our haul to the various rooms and admired our fridge. We needed to do this and now it was time to rest.

In one of the photos I see “Nuova Casa Del Cellophan” – is that as straightforward a translation as I think it is?