Wednesday, 23 May, 2018
A busy day planned today! It started with a trip to the doctor where I asked about my leg pain and inability to walk like I used to. Of course, it’s to do with my arthritis and the fact I tore my meniscus several years ago. Advice is to lose some weight (noted) exercise my legs every day (noted) and to take better pain relief (noted) – I noted all these with some trepidation. The final bit of advice – This is normal and natural. Don’t beat yourself up! I like this new doctor.
On the way back from the doctor, I checked out a new cafe called Fingers Crossed on Amhurst Road at Shacklewell Lane.

Around the corner from the doctor is a little inner yard full of artisans of many kinds. You would definitely have to know it was there to venture in. So I did walk in there to see how things were. I was surprised to see that they are building new places back there – looks like studios etc, and the cafe/events centre was padlocked so I’m not sure if it’s just an overnight or a permanent thing. Will keep checking on that!

Right next to the studios is Evelyn Court. This a large complex of low rise flats. These were built in the second wave of Four Per Cent Industrial Dwellings Company slum clearance properties and were the first box-framed structure in Britain to use reinforced concrete. They are named after Evelyn Achille de Rothschild, founder Nathan Rothschild’s great grandson killed in action during the First World War. They look very different than the other Four Per Cent red-brick buildings that are dotted around the East End. Since I’ve lived here they have gone through a few paint colours, including an unattractive avocado green. One other reason for these buildings to intrigue me is that my aunt Ruth (she married my dad’s younger brother) lived there as a girl and has some cute stories of growing up there. She’d not recognise the neighbourhood!

I like the houses along Amhurst Road, as I walk from our flat up to Stoke Newington High Street. They’re grand but not pretentious and there are plenty of large trees.
Great pictures. Did you take them? Aunt Ruth of EvelynCourt!!!
I did. I love taking photos. I should take more of Your Place. Do you remember what number you lived at?
We lived firstly at 62 Evelyn Court and secondly, after I married, and my father Olav ha ‘shalom, had died, my mama moved to No. 4.